
Welcome to the 3 - week workshop series by Heartfulness Canada.

Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25 6pm – 7:30pm PDT

Welcome to the four-week workshop series by Heartfulness Canada.
Each week there will be a presentation, followed by interaction with participants and a guided experiential session. The sessions will run for one hour and 30 minutes, with adequate time for experience and Q&A. This is suitable for everyone and no prior experience in meditation is required.

In these Sessions, you will learn:

Power of the Heart – April 4 and 11
The heart carries immense potential and great resources – more than we can imagine. The session will cover some fascinating aspects of research on the heart, spiritual anatomy of the heart and methods to tap into our heart's wisdom. There will be a presentation, followed by an experiential session of heartfulness meditation with yogic transmission (Pranahuti).

Self-acceptance – April 18
Acceptance of oneself leads to acceptance of others. This can be challenging, especially when things are not going in the right direction. It is one of the vital steps for transformation and evolution of consciousness. There will be a panel discussion by group of meditators about the aspect of self-acceptance. This will be followed by a guided cleaning session, a unique heartfulness technique to get rid of various impressions that weigh us down.

Rhythm of Life – April 25
The body clock or circadian rhythm governs so many aspects of our life. It is intrinsically related to our physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. The session will provide a overview of the circadian rhythm and the benefits that come with aligning ourselves with it. Experiential guided meditation with Pranahuti will follow the presentation.

About the Trainer:


Dr. Aravind Ravindran is the Western Canada Regional Coordinator for Heartfulness. He is a Heartfulness Trainer and long time Heartfulness Practitioner. Aravind is a great speaker and as a doctor with an interest in the science of meditation his workshops are exceptional.

Picture of Dr. Aravind Ravindran

Dr. Aravind Ravindran

Heartfulness Trainer and Practitioner
Consultant Interventional and Diagnostic Radiologist, Fraser Health